The Good Doer Sidekick
49 good souls contributed to the Self-Publishing adventure of the Good Doer Sidekick on Kickstarter. Making the world a better place, one Great Awesome Deed at a time.
"I’m a driven young woman (like many), wife to the most supportive and tolerant husband, mother to the sweetest baby boys, youngest strong-tempered sister of three, loving daughter to two Khmer-civil-war-forced-out-of-their-country migrants. Mum’s a genocide survivor, Dad made her laugh. I grew up in a caring family, with role models who taught me unconditional love, sacrifice and hard work. I went to regular schools, got regular diplomas, chose a regular career. It’s the unfair irregularities in this world that made me tick. And this book is my attempt at a remedy to fix it."
- M. M. Le Roy Nguon
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